Rauner 003103: A Fifteenth-Century Book of HoursMain MenuThe Dartmouth Digital Scriptorium and the Beginnings of this ProjectBrowse by PrayerBrowse Images with TranscriptionsBrowse Images OnlyBibliographyThe Dartmouth College Digital Scriptorium41219092ef3888c0b9c161351d60a48559b8ad38
Image Rauner Manuscript 003103 Folio 002r
12024-06-17T13:21:49+00:00Elizabeth Hadleyc40fc80bb31b636f9c269a10f5905f84c81b9e715131Image of folio 002r of Rauner Manuscript 003103, a fifteenth-century Book of Hours in the Rauner Special Collections Library of Dartmouth College2024-06-17T13:21:49+00:002023-01-20Dartmouth College Digital ScriptoriumimagejpegLatin and FrenchIsPartOf Rauner Manuscript 003103c. 1500Elizabeth Hadleyc40fc80bb31b636f9c269a10f5905f84c81b9e71
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12024-06-17T17:52:44+00:00Elizabeth Hadleyc40fc80bb31b636f9c269a10f5905f84c81b9e71Browse Images OnlyThe Dartmouth College Digital Scriptorium5gallery2025-02-07T15:32:59+00:00The Dartmouth College Digital Scriptorium41219092ef3888c0b9c161351d60a48559b8ad38
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12024-06-18T15:08:27+00:00Suffrage to St. Roch3gallery637042024-06-18T17:00:56+00:00
12024-06-17T13:39:27+00:00Folio 2r1plain2024-06-17T13:39:27+00:00De sancto rocho antiphona. Aue roche sanctissime no(-) bili natus sanguine crucis si(-) gnaris scemate sinistro tuo latere. Roche peregre profectus pestifere curas tactus mirifi(-) ce tangendo salutifere. Vale roche angelice vocis citatus famine obtinuisti deifice a cunctis pestem pellere. v(ersus). Ora pro nobis beate roche. R(esponsorium). Ut me(-) reamur preseruari a peste e(-) pydimie. Oremus. Oratio. Deus qui beato rocho per angelum tuu(m) tabula(m) eidem afferentem promisisti: