This page was created by Carson Riggs.  The last update was by The Dartmouth College Digital Scriptorium.

Rauner 003203: A Sixteenth-Century Antiphoner


Publishing Rauner 003203 has been a long and gratifying process, which we could not have navigated without the generous support of many members of the Dartmouth community. The Dartmouth College Digital Scriptorium wishes to thank everyone who has helped us with this project, including

Debra Lacoste and Jan Koláček of the Cantus Manuscript Database, for their patient help with the indexing of Rauner 003203. 

Timothy Baker of Dartmouth College, for his expertise and generous help.

John Bell, Lead Applications Developer, Dartmouth College Information, Technology, and Computing, for his help with Scalar

Richard Brittain, Research Systems Engineer, Dartmouth College Information, Technology, and Computing, for his assistance with setting up and troubleshooting the Scriptorium space where all our media is housed

Gregory Elder, Director of the Dartmouth College Student Woodworking Shop, for helping us to document the restoration of the boards of Rauner 003203

Jeffrey Georgantes, Director of the Dartmouth College Donald Claflin Jewelry Studio for helping us to document the restoration of the furniture of Rauner 003203

Deborah Howe, Collections Conservator, Dartmouth College Library, for allowing us to document her work on the conservation of Rauner 003203, and for supplying us with photographs of the conservation process

The Leslie Center for the Humanities, which provided a generous Faculty Research Award to fund first-year students’ participation in the project
Dartmouth College Undergraduate Advising and Research, which provided Sophomore and Junior Research Scholarships to Scriptorium members