This page was created by Carson Riggs.  The last update was by The Dartmouth College Digital Scriptorium.

Rauner 003203: A Sixteenth-Century Antiphoner


DeHamel, Christopher. Making Medieval Manuscripts. Oxford: Bodleian Library, 2018.
Harper, John. The Forms and Orders of Western Liturgy from the Tenth to the Eighteenth Century: A Historical Introduction and Guide for Students and Musicians. Oxford: Clarendon Paperbacks, 1991.
Hiley, David. Gregorian Chant. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Hughes, Andrew. Medieval Manuscripts for Mass and Office. A Guide to their Organization and Terminology. Toronto; Buffalo; London: University of Toronto Press, 1982.
Kelly, Thomas Forrest. Capturing Music: The Story of Notation. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 2015.
Turner, Nancy K. “The Materiality of Medieval Parchment: A Response to ‘The Animal Turn’.” Revista Hispánica Moderna 71.1, June 2018, pp. 39-67.